
7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing

Now Available!

Get your copy of the 7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing and hear from 300+ manufacturers in this new survey report!

Customer Support

The Plex Customer Community

Log in at:

The community is a dynamic online space where you can connect with other Plex users to share ideas, ask questions and discover information to help you solve problems and deploy best practices. The Plex Community is always on.

How to Log Into Plex Products:

Visit or, if you're using Plex Classic, visit and enter the following information:

  • User ID
  • Password
  • Company Code

Company Code

If you do not know your Company Code but do know your User ID please contact the Security Administrator for the company associated with your User ID.

Pop-up blockers

One of the most common and easily resolved log in problems is due to pop-up blockers. You must allow pop-ups from www.plexus-online.com.

For Additional Support

Please call your company’s help desk or your departmental “Plex Champion” if you…

  • Do not have a User ID and password
  • Forgot your User ID and/or password
  • You have logged in before, but now it doesn’t work

If they cannot resolve the issue, they will contact Plex Systems on your behalf and validate your identity as an authentic Plex Systems user. Your cooperation with this policy is appreciated.

PC Setup

The Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform functions with no software installation and very little setup. However, some settings will optimize its usage, and a few settings are required for specific functionality.

For details on supported web browsers and our official version support policy, check the .

Setup Instructions

The Plex Manufacturing Cloud provides detailed documents, or in some cases a setup tool provided by Microsoft, to assist with your PC setup. You can access this documentation on the Plex Cloud log in page under the PC Setup button.

Mac OS X

Macintosh OSX is not officially supported by Plex at this time.

Technical Support

For assistance logging into the Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform, contact your local system administrator.

If you are not sure who that is, please call us and we will point you in the right direction:

  • Within the U.S.: 855-PLEX-800 (855-753-9800)
  • Outside the U.S.: +1 (248) 391-8000 (International)