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Maximize Your Investment in the Plex Manufacturing Cloud with Continuous Improvement

January 8, 2018

Once you’ve chosen, implemented, and worked with the Plex Manufacturing Cloud, you still aren’t “done” with it. Now it’s time to dig in and discover how to really maximize your investment. Just as your business continues to innovate and move forward, your Plex system will deliver updates that you can use to drive even more efficiency and results. By making a “continuous improvement regimen” mindset part of your culture, you can ensure that you’re getting the most out of Plex.  Here are four key action steps to start you on your path:

1. Understand How You are Currently Using Plex

The Plex Manufacturing Cloud offers best practices built-in, and you may have leveraged many of them with your initial deployment.  Generally, however, most companies don’t get to implement everything they want out of the starting gate or come to realize that the way something was configured is not working as well as expected. It’s a good idea to look at how your entire organization is currently using Plex so you can see where there might be areas for further improvement.

2. Look for Optimization Opportunities

Based on our experience, there are often a lot of opportunities to use Plex to its fullest potential once you’ve done an assessment and gap analysis of how the system is currently being used. One great example is looking at your employee development. Many of the companies we’ve worked with have empowered their employees to develop functional depth to not only expand on career growth, but to also have a positive impact on the organization overall.

3. Agree on New Process Improvements

Once you’ve got your list of improvement opportunities, you’ll need to make sure everyone is onboard. Because Plex is so configurable, making the actual changes to the system is relatively simple but changes to business processes are generally more difficult.  Consensus goes a long way toward using Plex to its fullest potential.

4. Meet Regularly to Discuss Continuous Improvement

Sometimes it’s challenging to focus on continuous improvements in Plex because, after all, your core business is manufacturing. We suggest putting a set time on the calendar with your team to talk about new Plex updates and initiatives you want to focus on. A regular meeting, every month or quarter, is one way to do that that we’ve seen work well.

An ERP system is a major investment in time, money, and resources. It’s one worth making because we’ve seen how Plex can truly transform your manufacturing operations. Be sure to protect that investment by developing a continuous improvement plan that works for your organization. If you need professional guidance, Revolution Group offers a wealth of experience and expertise. Visit our website for more information.

About the Author

Kristin van Duelman ERP Strategy Consultant, Revolution Group

Kirstin is an ERP Strategy Consultant with over 20 years of practical supply chain, lean manufacturing, and engineering plant experience, including over nine years of Plex success. She assists a wide variety of Plex customers with their implementation, optimization, support, and development needs.
